пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.

sammy sosa highlights in STOCKTON sammy sosa highlights STOCKTON

sammy sosa highlights in STOCKTON

sammy sosa highlights

sammy sosa highlights STOCKTON

sammy sosa highlights in STOCKTON.But this discovery is not nearly as messy as what baseball players did to the game and their profession for more than a decade.
Get used to it.
You will hear more names of players who otherwise would be headed for the hall of fame identified as steroid users.
Right now there are many of them just nervously hoping they at least outrun the truth for the five years after they retired, when they can first appear on a hall of fame ballot.
Mark mcgwire was soiled in year 4.
Roger clemens made it through two months.
The clean ones, of course, have absolutely nothing to worry about.
The players could have stayed clean just long enough to pass a test they knew was coming, and no testing system would have kicked in at all.
The weight of circumstantial evidence and buzzing among baseball people in and out of uniform always did engender heavy suspicion, even before his 2005 demureness in front of congress.
At the age of 28, sosa was a career.
He was a decent enough player.
But over the next six years from 1998 through 2003, the last year you could juice without penalty sosa hit.
He hit more home runs in those half dozen years than hank greenberg , gary carter or george brett hit in their entire careers.
He became one of the alltime greatest sluggers ever, or so we were led to believe.
There was no shock around baseball tuesday.
We have been through all of this too many times before, especially with players who were too good to be true.
And so it shall continue to be.

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