пятница, 11 ноября 2011 г.

losing eyelashes in PHILO losing eyelashes PHILO

losing eyelashes in PHILO

losing eyelashes

losing eyelashes PHILO

losing eyelashes in PHILO.Losing eyelashes is perfectly normal, and everybody loses eyelashes from time to time.
Your eye lashes will grow back.
If you are losing them in clumps, which it sounds like you are, as you refer to being almost bald in the eyelash area, it may be something that needs a little more attention.
The clinical term for the loss of eyelashes is called madarosis.
Ry going without eye makeup for a week or two, and see if the problem gets better or worse this will help you evaluate if you need to switch makeup lines.
Third, is the possibility that your eyelashes are indicating a larger problem, such as an eye infection or even hyperthyroidism.
A fourth possible cause, is allergies any type of allergy could bother your eyes, causing the lashes to drop.

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