воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

federal budget canada highlights in ALVY federal budget canada highlights ALVY

federal budget canada highlights in ALVY

federal budget canada highlights

federal budget canada highlights ALVY

federal budget canada highlights in ALVY.The budget does not change corporate or personal tax rates.
In a few hours, pricewaterhousecoopers will issue a more detailed tax memo that discusses the budget.
Exceptions may be provided.
Penalties will apply to corporations that do not comply.
However, penalties will be reduced for late or incorrectly filed information returns.
The unused portion of the credit can be transferred to a spouse or commonlaw partner.
Mineral exploration tax credit the mineral exploration tax credit for flowthrough shares is extended by one year to flowthrough share agreements entered into before april 1, 2010.
Machinery and equipment tariffs on a range of machinery and equipment imported into canada after january 27, 2009, will be eliminated or reduced.

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