среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

hair color over highlights in MILL CREEK hair color over highlights MILL CREEK

hair color over highlights in MILL CREEK

hair color over highlights

hair color over highlights MILL CREEK

hair color over highlights in MILL CREEK.Or any other advice.
Some finely weaved darker colour put through should break up the light bits i would speak to them before you do anything.
Make sure you choose a colour with some warm tones to avoid a green shade on the lighter bits.
Go back and ask them to put it right at their expense.
Any good stylist will correct the problem since a lot of hairdressing depends upon a good reputation.
Hope you get your hair sorted out.
Hope this helps, good luck, its the pits havin bad hair.
After being really impressed with the loreal colouer expert that i posted about a couple of weeks ago, i decided to use it again to dye my quite light blonde hair to a chestnut brown with honey streaks in it.
I actually love auburn hair and have always wanted it, but the trouble is it looks absolutley dreadful on me.
I look completely washed out and none of my make up suits it.
The actual colour of the hair is lovely but it dosent suit my skin at all as it has alot of pink in it?
So, what can i do?
I look terrible and i have a really important meeting tomorrow!
Think you should put a brown temp colour over it, the ones that last between 68 wks.
Anyhow, the person above is rightunwanted red is hell to get out, especially on highlights.
And i totally second not trying anything lighter you will go a horrific orange shade!
You need to be sure!
Go and have a chat with a hairdresser, they will assess the condition of your hair and let you know the safest option!
Make sure you put loads of conditioner on it afterwards though.
Whatever you do dont try to dye it blonde now, i tried and ended up with an orange head.
And it was permanent.
Thing was i had to go to a wedding the next day and my dress was turquiose.
Red is lovely but sounds like you are like me.
Makes me look v washed out too.
You will get it sorted, mine looked lovely in the end!

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