вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

carpet crawler lyric::The wool is soft and warm, gives off some kind of heat carpet crawler lyric

carpet crawler lyric carpet crawler lyric::The wool is soft and warm, gives off some kind of heat.
A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed.
Imaginary creatures are trapped in birth on celluloid.
Each thought and gesture are caught in celluloid.
The crawlers cover the floor in the red ochre corridor.
Like the forest fight for sunlight, that takes root in every tree.
The eager pack lift up their pitchersthe carry all they lack.
The liquid has congealed, which has seeped out through the crack, and the tickler takes his stickleback.
carpet crawler lyric::This time he discovers a long carpeted corridor
carpet crawler lyric
'>carpet crawler lyric::This time he discovers a long carpeted corridor carpet crawler lyric'>carpet crawler lyric::The wool is soft and warm, gives off some kind of heat carpet crawler lyric

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