среда, 5 октября 2011 г.

carpet king::March came and went carpet king

carpet king

carpet king

carpet king

carpet king::March came and went.
The borehole nearest the house dried up for the first time and my dad had to haul water in ninety gallon drums from the windmill dam five miles down the road.
Lang jan chopped off the top of his finger while cutting a swaarthaak for firewood and my mother dipped it in pakbos juice and wrapped it up in an old kitchen cloth.
It was a three hour drive to kamieskroon and my mother took her knitting and i sat in the back of the truck with lang jan and listened to his stories.
He was a baster from namaqualand and had an inexhaustible supply of old folk tales, which he delighted in telling me.
This one involved wily jackal and poor stupid baboon in a long complicated adventure stealing honey from a beehive, and of course cunning old jackal outwitted his old enemy once again.
Lang jan cackled with laughter as he acted out the plot, his hooded eyes disappearing into his wrinkled yellow face.
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